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Dear All,

It's my pleasure to announce that one of our most dedicated member Valsakumar P. Menon has achieved the milestone of DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTER (DTM). Distinguished Toastmaster is the highest recognition a member may receive.

The journey to achieve DTM is not simple. It need lot of passion, motivation, hard-work, persistence, dedication, perseverance, determination and enthusiasm.

It is very long journey to achieve Distinguished Toastmasters, one need to complete below milestones:

CC-Competent Communicator ACB-Advanced Communicator Bronze ACS-Advanced Communicator Silver ACG-Advanced Communicator Gold CL-Competent Leader ALB-Advanced Leader Bronze ALS-Advanced Leader Silver DTM-Distinguished Toastmaster

I would like to congratulate DTM V P Menon from the bottom of my heart for his hard-work and dedication to achieve the highest recognition in Toastmasters.

Best Regards,

Yasir Syed Muhammad VP-Education Dubai Toastmasters Club


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