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We are a non-profit organization where our members fully benefit from the total membership fees they pay. The fee is directed to different expenditures and items shared within our members, and reviewed every quarter. 
To become a member, you will need to fill the membership application form and pay a membership fee of:


  1. AED 535 for six months membership OR

  2. AED 975 for a full year’s membership. 



We use the membership fees to cover:


  1. Toastmasters International basic charges for every member.

  2. Venue rental cost.

  3. Meeting expenses (F&B, trophies and consumables).

  4. Annual club contests expenses.

  5. Toastmasters International awards items (ribbons, pins and certificates).

  6. Club annual party and members’ annual gathering.

We encourage our guests to attend at least two meetings before they commit to become a member. A nominal guest fee of AED 25 is collected  by the treasurer. 



What you will receive upon becoming a member:



  • Competent Communicators (CC) Manual – This is the first speaking manual you will receive and work on as a Toastmaster.  It contains 10 speech projects designed to introduce you to public speaking and provide you with the skills necessary to be an effective public speaker.

  • Competent Leadership (CL) Manual – The CL Manual is received along with the CC Manual, but the focus of the CL Manual is leadership.  This manual will provide you with insight into most functions within a Toastmasters meeting and your performance in these functions will be subject to prudent evaluations.  

  • Advanced Speaking Manuals – Advanced Speaking manuals, available through Toastmasters International, support growth in speaking skills targeted at technical presentations, interpretive reading, specialty speeches, sales skills, etc.  Upon completion of the CC manual, members choose from the Advanced Speaking Manuals to continue their improvement in public speaking skills.

  • The Dubai Toastmasters Website access – Provides access to the current club schedule, functionary resources, identification of club officers, and much more. 

  • The Toastmasters International Website - – Provides information to all Toastmasters in the world about everything that is Toastmasters.  You can find articles and tips on giving speeches, shop for Toastmaster items (advanced speaking manuals, instructional DVDs, Toastmaster apparel, books, etc.), and information useful for community outreach programs such as Youth Leadership and Speechcrafts, etc.  If you have a question about a functionary, officer role, training, or anything associated with public speaking or leadership skills, you have a pretty good chance of finding it here.



Other member’s benefits and activities:


  • Attend and participate in the meetings.  Most weeks you’ll be assigned a role in our meeting.  If you observe others, ask questions, research and practice your role, you’ll have a higher probability of success.  On the weeks when you aren’t assigned a role, you have the opportunity to sharpen your impromptu speaking skills by participating in Table Topics, observing and learning from other Toastmasters, and writing feedback for speakers.  

  • Get to know your fellow members.  There’s a wide range of people in Dubai Toastmasters Club all with unique skills and knowledge.  By arriving early for the meeting or by interacting with members after the meeting you can sharpen your social skills.   You never know what type of connections you may end up finding.

  • Communication.  Our main form of communication is email and our WhatsApp group.  When you provide your email and mobile number on the New Member Application, your contact details will be added to our email group and WhatsApp group. You will also receive a list of all the members with their individual email and phone numbers.

  • Mentor.  Dubai Toastmasters has a strong mentor program.  A veteran Toastmaster will be assigned to help you complete your goals and to familiarize you with our Toastmaster ways.  If you have a specific person you’d like to be your mentor, please inform the Vice President of Education, and necessary steps would be taken..  a  

  • Resources.  After your New Member Application is processed by Toastmasters International, you’ll receive a package with books, pamphlets, and manuals through the mail.  Your first two manuals, as earlier mentioned,  would be Competent Communicator and Competent Leader.  Both of these manuals have different objectives and walk you through your speaking, listening, organization, and analyzing goals.  We’re all available to answer questions, demonstrate, and show support.  Just the simple task of observing things you like and don’t like while others are speaking, listening or completing an assignment will help you achieve success.

  • Multitude of skills sharpened.  The Toastmaster experience is designed not just to help you become a better speaker but to improve in a variety of areas.  Each assignment during our meeting is structured to sharpen a skill.  Much of your learning and advancement comes from recognizing the skill you’re practicing and ways to improve.  It’s not just about speaking. 

  • Voting for the Best.  During each regular meeting, three awards are voted upon and given out:  Best Speaker, Best Evaluator and Best Table Topics.  Your vote counts, so please cast your ballot.  

    • Speech of the Day:  Each speaker is concentrating on a specific objective which is outlined in your Agenda for the meeting.  Ideally, the goal is to vote for the Toastmaster who best met or exceeded his/her speech objective, and not focusing entirely on how captivating or polished the speech itself was.  

    • Best Evaluator:  The role of Evaluator is designed to help the speaker improve while also showing support.  Vote for the Evaluator you felt most effectively conveyed positive feedback as well as improvements.

    • Best Table Topics:  Our goal while answering Table Topics is to answer the proposed question asked of us.  Sometimes even the most eloquent of speakers struggle to answer the question asked of them, and it’s a constant learning process.  Reward the Toastmaster who you feel answered their question the best.

  • Evaluation Forms.  While each speaker is assigned a specific evaluator, feedback from other members is also important.  Regardless of your comfort or skill level in speaking, your observations help the speaker improve, the caveat being you share those observations.  Evaluation forms available at the meetings provide basic questions that you can use to frame your feedback. Furthermore, you can use the flip side to record any additional thoughts. Your comments might just be the words the speaker needs to hear.



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The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters" and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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